Amalgam Filling Removal
Mercury fillings are poisonous and can cause small amounts of heavy metal to be released into the body. At present time, 0.00ppb is considered the safest amount of mercury exposure for humans. There is a wide range of variations in the amount of mercury that is required for an individual to begin experiencing physiological side effects. For instance, one person may have 3 mercury fillings and not experience any physiological side effects, whereas another person of the same age and the same quantity of mercury fillings may experience brain fog, delusions, and other symptoms and may be more susceptible to autoimmune diseases. It is now difficult, based on the research that has been conducted, to estimate how much mercury is able to pass the blood-brain barrier or how much mercury amalgam fillings contribute to the progression of a disease. In the realm of dentistry, the hypothesis is that mercury fillings are harmful to human physiology is not widely accepted as fact.
Because all blends of dental amalgams contain more than 50% mercury, and the accumulated health potential of these fillings has not been proved in the scientific community, we treat mercury fillings as a dangerous material at Smart Dentistry.
Dr. Astrid Sand is both SMART certified and accredited by the IAOMT, and she has extensive experience removing mercury fillings in a risk-free manner over the course of many years. She has assisted a great number of patients on their ways to better health and has collaborated with both conventional and alternative medical practitioners to assist in the attainment of oral wellness.

Why dental amalgam fillings are toxic
Dental amalgam fillings, which are manufactured with a mixture of mercury, silver, copper, tin, and sometimes zinc, are still used in the United States and in a number of other countries. These fillings are placed in teeth using a special type of dental drill. All dental amalgams are between 45 and 55% elemental mercury, despite their common name of “silver fillings.” Mercury is a poison, and this toxin is regarded as a chemical of substantial concern since it represents a significant risk to the health of the general population. Mercury is a toxin that can build up in the body over time, thus any amount that is ingested should be regarded as potentially hazardous.

Mercury fillings toxic?
Mercury is used in dental amalgam fillings, which pose substantial hazards to human health. Additionally, mercury from dental procedures that is released into the environment can cause long-term damage to wildlife. The mission of the International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Toxicology (IAOMT) is to provide accurate information regarding dental mercury so that both dental professionals and consumers are aware of the dangers posed by amalgam